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Gallery Home >> England >> Devon >> Chagford Druid's Well

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Druid's Well, In a rather vunerable position at the side of the road.  This little well is still standing, despite Terry Faull saying in his book 'Secrets of the Hidden Source' that it was in danger of collapse after being hit by a vehicle.
Submitted bycazzyjane
AddedMay 09 2012
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Druid's Well, In a rather vunerable position at the side of the road. This little well is still standing, despite Terry Faull saying in his book 'Secrets of the Hidden Source' that it was in danger of collapse after being hit by a vehicle.

Posted Comments:

AngieLake (2012-05-09)
Nice composition Carol and thanks for telling us how to find this one! Jackie drove me over this way to see Meacombe Cist a couple of years ago, and we noticed another 'Batworthy' in the vicinity. If we'd known, we'd have detoured to see this one. It DOES look very vulnerable perched on the edge of that lane!!!

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