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Gallery Home >> England >> Devon >> Foales Arrishes

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I did look around the area of those huge stones in the reave, and found a few shorter ones amongst the bracken, and this kind of 'stoney floor' area, which might just be the top of a large stone.  Maybe other visitors will see whether they think there are any huts here?   Perhaps I was near 'Hvii' on Butler's plan? (though I didn't notice a track). Stones upper right are part of the reave wall.
Submitted byAngieLake
AddedAug 25 2012
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I did look around the area of those huge stones in the reave, and found a few shorter ones amongst the bracken, and this kind of 'stoney floor' area, which might just be the top of a large stone. Maybe other visitors will see whether they think there are any huts here? Perhaps I was near 'Hvii' on Butler's plan? (though I didn't notice a track). Stones upper right are part of the reave wall.

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