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Winter Solstice 2003 Stoney Littleton Long Barrow. What an amazing experience, there were a lot of people there along with candles and incense (yes the place has well and truly been discovered by new-agers!) The sun took a while to appear because of the hills but it was worth the chilly wait to see the light hit the back of the chamber. This pic was taken from inside looking towards the entrance.
Submitted byMarionBenham
AddedDec 22 2003
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Winter Solstice 2003 Stoney Littleton Long Barrow. What an amazing experience, there were a lot of people there along with candles and incense (yes the place has well and truly been discovered by new-agers!) The sun took a while to appear because of the hills but it was worth the chilly wait to see the light hit the back of the chamber. This pic was taken from inside looking towards the entrance.

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