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Chalice Well at the foot of Glastonbury Tor is located at ST509385.  Its famous iron red water is never failing and is known as the Blood Spring.  Nearby in Well House Lane is the White Spring.  Originally the little valley contained two streams - one red and one white.  This gave rise to the legend of Joseph of Arimethea's Cruets which contained the blood and water that gushed from Christ's wound
Submitted byThorgrim
AddedJan 20 2004
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Chalice Well at the foot of Glastonbury Tor is located at ST509385. Its famous iron red water is never failing and is known as the Blood Spring. Nearby in Well House Lane is the White Spring. Originally the little valley contained two streams - one red and one white. This gave rise to the legend of Joseph of Arimethea's Cruets which contained the blood and water that gushed from Christ's wounds. Chalice Well is also said to have been the hiding place of the Holy Grail.

Posted Comments:

MarionBenham (2004-01-20)
The lid has recently been re-bound and the wood replaced, the vesica pisces/bleeding lance design (by F. Bligh Bond) has been repeated and slightly embelished on the underside of the lid so you can see it when it is raised. I have a pic which I can post.
Thorgrim (2004-01-20)
Thanks Marion - a new photo would be good to see. Could you get a photo of the White Spring in Well House Lane as well? We are going to cover Sacred Wells now on the Portal. Thanks

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