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Gallery Home >> England >> Cornwall >> Trewavas Cliff Chambered Cairn

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This is Camel Rock or Bishop Rock by the Chambered Cairn, I call it Bird Rock though as i see a Bird looking out to sea, although from this angle it doesnt look like any of them! I believe this Outcrop was a bird totem of the prehistoric folk who lived by it, but proving that is impossible
Submitted byBladup
AddedFeb 24 2021
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This is Camel Rock or Bishop Rock by the Chambered Cairn, I call it Bird Rock though as i see a Bird looking out to sea, although from this angle it doesnt look like any of them! I believe this Outcrop was a bird totem of the prehistoric folk who lived by it, but proving that is impossible

Posted Comments:

AngieLake (2021-02-24)
Great shot Bladup.
Bladup (2021-02-24)
Thanks Angie, I didn't notice the lizard in the background on the left
AngieLake (2021-02-26)
Love The Lizard Bladup. Had many a walk from Lizard Village to the Point, one of my favourite places, and around Kynance Cove. We lived in Cornwall when my youngest son was born (he's 47 now), and his second name is Kynan. A nod towards the Celtic, meaning High and Mighty. Needless to say, he was the shortest of my offspring! (So high and mighty cliffs there, in that stunning setting.)
Bladup (2021-02-26)
What a lovely name Kynan is, I walked the coast path back from Falmouth last summer, So went round the coast of the Lizard, Apart from the ugly quarries it's all absolutely beautiful, There's was a few Cliff Castles i liked that i didn't think i'd been to before but it turned out i had, It all looked so different coming at them from the coast rather than from inland.

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