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Gallery Home >> England >> Cornwall >> St Ruan's Well (Ruan Lanihorne)

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You will find this in the church although it was locked when we arrived, we managed to find the key holder who let us in to take a look. On the second photo I have shown the book page that inspired us to go there of St Ruan cradling a dead bird. I thought it was part of the stone carving although there wasn't any sign of a bird and the caretaker who had been there for 30 years knew nothing about i
Submitted bycelticmaiden55
AddedNov 11 2012
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You will find this in the church although it was locked when we arrived, we managed to find the key holder who let us in to take a look. On the second photo I have shown the book page that inspired us to go there of St Ruan cradling a dead bird. I thought it was part of the stone carving although there wasn't any sign of a bird and the caretaker who had been there for 30 years knew nothing about it.

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