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In which our plucky American correspondent visits Stonehenge for the first time.
20 September 2017
Submitted byFeanor
AddedOct 03 2017
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In which our plucky American correspondent visits Stonehenge for the first time.
20 September 2017

Posted Comments:

Andy B (2017-10-03)
First time - really! - how exciting
Feanor (2017-10-04)
Yes, Andy, after all these years of study, scrutiny and writing about the fabled monument - not to mention the rumination, theories, and conclusions - the fact remains that I had never actually been there.

I walked around it with the tourists the first time, walked up to it from the Avenue a second time, then went into the Circle at Equinox. It was actually quite emotional ...

Dear Rune gave me a keen suggestion several years ago which I very much took to heart when the time came. *wink*

Quite a week - far too short - but included many stops at a number of other important locations I could never have hoped to see without the friendship and assistance from several old friends - none of whom I'd ever met! Many are contributors here, and Jon Morris is high on the list. It was a distinct honor and privilege to see things and visit places which most - for various reasons - are not permitted to see.

One aspect of this adventure is that I can now post my own pictures!
Fear not! I only took about 1400 of them.

AngieLake (2017-10-04)
I can imagine how emotional you felt, Feanor. Your Stonehenge knowledge is so vast that I'd always thought you'd paid many visits. Next time, perhaps you could book Private Access for dawn and sunset? (don't know if that guarantees you sole occupation!) .. as when I went with JackME we had it all to ourselves. Summer Solstice is quite an experience (if you can tolerate the craziness ;-)), and I'd love to be there at Winter Solstice. (Shame there's no Open Access at sunset on Winter Solstice, which is the most important time anyone could view from the monument's interior, I'd have thought.) In the meantime I look forward to seeing the other 1396 photos!
Feanor (2017-10-04)
I'll be back in June for a much longer stay and will have booked more than one Private Access visit. Solstice will be one of those, though I will have to be held back from screaming at the cretins who climb all over 'my' Stones!
(I was compelled to do that at Avebury later in the day before the Druids took over ... lol)

Except for the greasy, dreadlocked stoners, Equinox was a great deal of fun - with not one speck of litter! I was with some former senior employees who knew all the security people, so we were the last to leave. I have some great shots of the site with no one near them.

PS: It looks like we've found some tooling marks on the Heelstone that no one's mentioned before, so that was cool. First visit - made a discovery. What are the odds?

Also: the notch at eye-level in S-58 also appear to be tooled and this means it was almost certainly used as a 'spyhole' for Winter Solstice Sunrise.

AngieLake (2017-10-04)
That's good, will look forward to more excellent photos. Shame you weren't able to capture one of the inner face of Stone 16 for me when you were with the security guys after everyone left.

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