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Gallery Home >> France >> Languedoc-Roussillon >> Allée Couverte de Saint-Eugène

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The chamber is 15 metres long, lined with large slabs, and opens to the southeast at 155°. At the back end it is 4 metres wide, and has the remnants of two stone partitions within which the remains of portal entranceways can be seen, rather like the nearby Morrel das Fadas. 

Unfortunately there are no cover stones, and the entrance portals are very damaged, to the extent of being almost non ex
Submitted bythecaptain
AddedMar 15 2006
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The chamber is 15 metres long, lined with large slabs, and opens to the southeast at 155°. At the back end it is 4 metres wide, and has the remnants of two stone partitions within which the remains of portal entranceways can be seen, rather like the nearby Morrel das Fadas. Unfortunately there are no cover stones, and the entrance portals are very damaged, to the extent of being almost non existant.

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