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Gallery Home >> France >> Bretagne >> Finistère >> Prat Ledan menhir

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This menhir from the late Neolithic or early Bronze Age had been lying in a field since 1880, broken in 3. About 5,000 years old, it weighs 7 tons and measures 7.30 m high. At the top, a cavity was dug in order to christiannize it (flowers enjoy the place) – an engraved cross appears on one side.

It was restored thanks to the impulse of the Kroaz Hent association and straightened in 1985 with
Submitted bymonik
AddedMay 15 2023
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This menhir from the late Neolithic or early Bronze Age had been lying in a field since 1880, broken in 3. About 5,000 years old, it weighs 7 tons and measures 7.30 m high. At the top, a cavity was dug in order to christiannize it (flowers enjoy the place) – an engraved cross appears on one side.

It was restored thanks to the impulse of the Kroaz Hent association and straightened in 1985 with a portico and strings pulled by 400 men.

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