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Gallery Home >> France >> Bretagne >> Finistère >> Kerloas menhir

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Submitted byrw1
AddedMar 06 2008
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Posted Comments:

Nick- (2008-03-08)
Amazing stone.
thecaptain (2008-03-09)
Near the bottom of the stone can be seen one of the round humps, about 20 cm in diameter about belly high above the ground.

Legend says that newly wed couples should come here on their wedding night to rub the stone lumps for a good future and fertility. In fact, many wedding parties still come here to this day in order to perform this ritual.
AngieLake (2008-03-10)
Well, well!.... I wonder if this is a handed-down tradition from others, like the inverted 'V' mark on Stone 16 at Stonehenge, which would have represented female fertility??
Sunny100 (2012-01-18)
Just come up on radom. Wow, that's one hell of a BIG stone !
theCaptain (2012-01-19)
Kerloas menhir is the tallest standing menhir in Europe, if not the world, at nearly 10 metres tall, and it has lost the top 2 metres after a lightning strike about 200 years ago! It towers above all around, and standing as it does on top of a hill, it can be seen from 30 kilometres away.
AngieLake (2012-01-20)
Does that mean it could have once been a kind of navigation aid to early sea-going travellers, or would it be too far inland? Bearing in mind the sea-level was lower then, too.

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