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Site in Bretagne:Finistère (29) France
Submitted byJimwithnoname
AddedJul 16 2011
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Site in Bretagne:Finistère (29) France

Posted Comments:

Jimwithnoname (2011-07-16)
It was lovely to be here as some of the local children played and had a picnic, as they have probably been doing so for countless centuries.
It felt as if they were the guardian fairies :)
davidmorgan (2011-07-17)
Excellent photo, Jim. I like the way my centre of focus skips about - it's a busier picture than you would imagine it would be.
Jimwithnoname (2011-07-17)
Many thanks to you for saying so David.
Sometimes (if not all), I feel the setting is as important as the stone itself :D

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