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Gallery Home >> Past Competitions >> 2006 Spring Photo Competition >> peveril castle castleton derbyshire

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view of Peveril Castle in Castleton, A truly beautiful ancient and historical village in the Peak District Derbyshire, England. Category *B*

peveril castle castleton derbyshire

[664 x 500 jpg]

Submitted bysuzyglam
AddedApr 05 2006
Vote for this image in our photo competition
view of Peveril Castle in Castleton, A truly beautiful ancient and historical village in the Peak District Derbyshire, England. Category *B*

Posted Comments:

TwentyTrees (2006-04-06)
Great pic Suzy. If you get a chance to get there again there is a great view of the well preserved west facade (the original entrance), across the top of the Devils Arse - the big cave that forms the gorge on that side. Best in winter, when it is not hidden by the trees, the early evening sun gives it a warmth. Liked your other pic too. Castleton a nice place when not overrun.
suzyglam (2006-04-06)
thankyou, Il check that out, It seems I have hits but no votes, but its nice to see my picture on the site. Suzy
whatisthat (2006-04-06)
I say hits and no votes is better than no hits and no votes ;-). Anyway I just voted.
suzyglam (2006-04-08)
yes Catletons great but alot of people around particularly on sundays. i took this a couple of weeks ago, during a rain free minute!

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