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Category A 

Can anyone see any coincidence between Barbara Hepworth's work - shown here at the late sculptor's garden at St Ives - and the nearby megalithic landscape????  
(Men an Tol and the wonderful sculpture garden were both photographed in March 2004 during a wonderful week at Cape Cornwall.)
I did ask permission to photograph and film the exhibits.
Submitted byAngieLake
AddedApr 09 2006
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Category A

Can anyone see any coincidence between Barbara Hepworth's work - shown here at the late sculptor's garden at St Ives - and the nearby megalithic landscape????
(Men an Tol and the wonderful sculpture garden were both photographed in March 2004 during a wonderful week at Cape Cornwall.)
I did ask permission to photograph and film the exhibits.

Posted Comments:

JimChampion (2006-04-11)
There was a similar piece by Hepworth at Birmingham University, it was called something like "Ancestor" or "Ancestors". Further connections to prehistoric times?
AngieLake (2006-04-11)
My tongue was firmly inserted in my cheek when I asked if anyone could see any coincidence! (should've said 'similarity'). I haven't studied her work, but you've given me an idea Jim - [thanks!] - to look it up on the web. It was very moving to walk around this place where she had worked so lovingly on her sculptures. She was quite a lady, I think.
Ethelwulf (2006-08-04)
Aye! there's nowt new in art! Good comparative photos - I much prefer the 'original'! Also appears overtly sexual to me...
AngieLake (2006-08-04)
I guess most things were in those far-off days, fertility rites and all that. They weren't as inhibited as (most of) us.

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