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Right. I had to look in to this one; again - another place I have passed hundreds of times, right near the road. I had a short amount of time - so believing I had seen stones on the N side of the road on previous passings, I investigated there. I found a cluster of stones, most certainly once part of some feature, clustered under some trees in the corner of a field (ref. SY 723 871), and observed
Submitted byTimPrevett
AddedNov 05 2003
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Right. I had to look in to this one; again - another place I have passed hundreds of times, right near the road. I had a short amount of time - so believing I had seen stones on the N side of the road on previous passings, I investigated there. I found a cluster of stones, most certainly once part of some feature, clustered under some trees in the corner of a field (ref. SY 723 871), and observed a stone in a field to the east (ref SY 724 870). The following day I obtained my copy of Peter Knight's "The Ancient Stones of Dorset", which shows that stones have been found mainly on the N side of the road (many more than I found), and a few on the hedge line on the S side of the road. A site to return to, and get permission to investigate the fields and lanes more thoroughly.

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