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Gallery Home >> England >> Devon >> Ipplepen Iron Age Settlement

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This was an aerial view of the dig site from the north - taken, presumably, before they dug the eastern ditch.  It was on display in the exhibition and I got a shot of it for our site page.  I am sure they'd not begrudge us a view of this for our info.  (The hedge runs along the western side of the field.)
It shows how the large ring ditch appears like a cake with a big slice taken out of its wes
Submitted byAngieLake
AddedSep 10 2013
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This was an aerial view of the dig site from the north - taken, presumably, before they dug the eastern ditch. It was on display in the exhibition and I got a shot of it for our site page. I am sure they'd not begrudge us a view of this for our info. (The hedge runs along the western side of the field.)
It shows how the large ring ditch appears like a cake with a big slice taken out of its westerly (or WNW?) arc.
That's another big heap of soil top left, which was useful for the site photographer to stand on.

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