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Metherall Settlement, The strange patterned stone with hut 5 behind.
Submitted byBladup
AddedOct 25 2013
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Metherall Settlement, The strange patterned stone with hut 5 behind.

Posted Comments:

AngieLake (2013-10-27)
Thanks for these Bladup. Did you take them this summer?? I wonder what caused that pattern on the stone? I'd also posted up a query about it a few years ago, and I don't think anyone came up with a reason.
Bladup (2013-10-27)
Thanks, Yes at the very end of August, The pattern looks strange doesn't it? There's a smaller one in hut 4 with similar markings, but I haven't seen anything like it on all the other rocks, huts, circles and cairns near it, The water from the reservoir couldn't have caused it so quickly could it? Maybe it was made from sharpening something on it, I can't think of anyway it's geology could cause the scrapes to go both ways except if it was dragged one way then the other but that's doubtful, Oooo i do love a bit of a mystery :o)
Catrinm (2022-07-16)
Still there. Still strange patterned stones on 5 and 4 .. we couldn't work out what they were
Bladup (2022-07-17)
I suppose it was chosen because of it's pattern, Like us picking nice wallpaper, They picked nice patterns on stones
AngieLake (2022-07-17)
Link to the similar stone in Hut 4: https://www.megalithic.co.uk/modules.php?op=modload&name=a312&file=index&do=showpic&pid=24581 I wonder if tinners did it for any reason?

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