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This shot shows the
Submitted byAngieLake
AddedApr 10 2015
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This shot shows the "smaller pillar" that Butler describes, in relation to the menhir and the cairn 6 pit. He says: "The menhir, 3.1 m high, still stands in its original position, 42 m almost due south from the centre of the stone circle. There is no evidence that the smaller pillar, 2 m long, lying a few meters away ever stood upright, but it was erected in 1895 in the pit alongside, toppling again a few years later. Between these two stones cairn C6 (3.0 x 0.3 m) has a central pit. Three stones, one of them flat and well away from the edge, may be the remains of an outer ring, but if so are eccentrically placed. Another small slab on the opposite side of the standing stone seems to be deliberately set and the tops of several more can be seen in one or two lines between them."
[Quote from Dartmoor Atlas of Antiquities, Vol 3 - The South-West, by Jeremy Butler.]
Photos taken around 6pm on 9th April 2015.

Posted Comments:

Alta-Falisa (2015-04-12)
I like the strong composition.
AngieLake (2015-04-12)
Thank you Alta-Falisa.

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