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I was thrilled to finally see these two of the threee small figurines 'in the flesh' after writing about them on Meg P.  (An assistant said that the bird must be in storage.)  One can see them in the foyer without paying to enter the rest of the collection.  The display was artfully done, with a selection of finds from the Torbay/South Devon area placed on top of glass columns and nicely lit.
Submitted byAngieLake
AddedSep 05 2016
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I was thrilled to finally see these two of the threee small figurines 'in the flesh' after writing about them on Meg P. (An assistant said that the bird must be in storage.) One can see them in the foyer without paying to enter the rest of the collection. The display was artfully done, with a selection of finds from the Torbay/South Devon area placed on top of glass columns and nicely lit.
(This was the last Sunday of the summer season when the museum is open to the public.)

Posted Comments:

AngieLake (2020-09-29)
These are now on display at the new Newton Abbot museum which opens on Saturday.

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