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A 'Flat Axe' on display in the cabinet in the foyer of Torquay Museum with the Milber Camp figurines.  It is described as 'Early Bronze Age' and from 'Broadsands, Churston', and 'made from copper or bronze'.
Submitted byAngieLake
AddedSep 05 2016
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A 'Flat Axe' on display in the cabinet in the foyer of Torquay Museum with the Milber Camp figurines. It is described as 'Early Bronze Age' and from 'Broadsands, Churston', and 'made from copper or bronze'.

Posted Comments:

AngieLake (2016-09-05)
The other item is described as an 'Ingot' and 'Bronze currency bar, Bronze Age, from Lupton Park, Brixham.'

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