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Looking east now at Autumn Equinox sunset 2016, with the short SW Row 3 on the right here. 7.06pm.
Submitted byAngieLake
AddedSep 23 2016
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Looking east now at Autumn Equinox sunset 2016, with the short SW Row 3 on the right here. 7.06pm.

Posted Comments:

Anne T (2016-09-23)
This looks like a great place to be, AngieLake! You've done really well to capture the rows like this. The long shadows certainly give it atmosphere, and I like how you've photographed the stones in the sunset in subsequent images.
AngieLake (2016-09-23)
Thanks Anne. It is lovely here and so easy to get to from the main road. (Which does tend to take away some atmosphere when cars are constantly moving past to the left of this view.) On the odd Equinox that I've visited, it's been with the aim of seeing if the shadows of the stones align with each other at sunset, but yesterday evening it seemed to prove that this only happens around 6pm when the sun's still fairly high above the horizon. [This view, an hour later, shows shadows pointing ESE.] So, if that was important - say a signal for Equinox ceremonies to begin - it was either planned that way, so an hour's ceremony was enacted before the sun went down, or the rows might have been aligned for a later-date event. I was surprised there weren't more people here (only two guys behind me, and one approaching*) but we were all enjoying the event. We thought the frustrating bank of cloud actually made the atmosphere more dramatic, but I was glad I was patient and waited for the sun to break through. I couldn't do justice to the beautiful western horizon view in these pics.
*Two more down by the circle and standing stone. Also friendly foreign holidaymakers (Dutch? couple) who came up with me earlier, to whom I strongly recommended this website!

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