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On a visit yesterday I picked up a leaflet about the nearby Lottery-funded new garden and renovated pig-house.  The garden was padlocked, but maybe it'll be open today for Widecombe Fair?  Inside the leaflet was this photo of the old well.
'It is hoped to use the pig house to store and display some local artefacts that would tell yet more of the story of Dartmoor.'  'The garden is planted with pl
Submitted byAngieLake
AddedSep 11 2018
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On a visit yesterday I picked up a leaflet about the nearby Lottery-funded new garden and renovated pig-house. The garden was padlocked, but maybe it'll be open today for Widecombe Fair? Inside the leaflet was this photo of the old well.
'It is hoped to use the pig house to store and display some local artefacts that would tell yet more of the story of Dartmoor.' 'The garden is planted with plants that would have been available to gardeners in Victorian times and typical Dartmoor plants, such as ferns and local wild flowers. Memories of past members of the History Group are preserved in plants donated by members in memory of friends and relatives. Poppies are used as a tribute to those who gave their lives in conflicts.'
(Angie adds: One of the most memorable late members of the History Group would be Tony Beard, 'the Wag from Widecombe', who was a local man and famous around here for his regular Radio Devon broadcasts in his lovely westcountry accent. He'll no doubt be in folks' minds during today's Widecombe Fair.

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