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First Prize in Cat B. Fan Brycheiniog - possibly the largest surviving ritual landscape in Britain.
Submitted bysem
AddedApr 01 2006
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First Prize in Cat B. Fan Brycheiniog - possibly the largest surviving ritual landscape in Britain.

Posted Comments:

thecaptain (2006-04-03)
lovely picture Sem.
thorgrim (2006-04-03)
Good shot with the figure in just the right position and snow correctly exposed
AngieLake (2006-04-03)
Lovely to see your majestic Muse in her Spring linen! Happy memories.
VirtHist (2006-04-04)
Ooo... pretty.
Nasher (2006-04-11)
great picture however i dont no if its just me or dose this look a little more like winter than spring
JimChampion (2006-04-11)
...that's because it was submitted as an April Fools... only joking. The EXIF data says it was taken on 04/03/06. I like it, and second what thorgrim says above.
MickM (2006-04-11)
....& yesterday there was several inches of snow (in Kent).
Nasher (2006-04-13)
thats cool then i wish we could get snow down here in spring,
Andy B (2006-04-27)
AngieLake (2006-04-29)
Well done SEM - you deserve it. Folks - please read Simon's comments on the Competition page and go and explore this lovely area for yourselves. It was an eye-opener to me... so much to be discovered, and all presided over by the mysterious Fan Brycheiniog.

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