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Gallery Home >> Past Competitions >> 2006 Spring Photo Competition >> Rollright Stones

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As Hamish has previously featured a photo of myself taking a picture of spring at the Rollrights during the Megalithic Portal meet last week, here is the photo I took, featuring a lonely daffodil by the stones.
Category A
Submitted bymickm
AddedApr 09 2006
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As Hamish has previously featured a photo of myself taking a picture of spring at the Rollrights during the Megalithic Portal meet last week, here is the photo I took, featuring a lonely daffodil by the stones.
Category A

Posted Comments:

thorgrim (2006-04-09)
Nice one. Once upon a time, there were many daffodils here. Then the improvers "improved" the site by digging them all up and cutting down some of the trees. Why? Glad at least one daff escaped the slaughter. Perhaps we should serve a preservation order on this one and surround it with a little fence or next spring, there will be no daffodils at Rollright.
AngieLake (2006-04-09)
Nice one Mick!
hamish (2006-04-09)
Nice to see the closeup Mick.
traveller (2006-04-12)
The essence of spring captured. Simple but says a lot I think.
nicoladidsbury (2006-04-18)
That has worked out really well, lovely
stonetramp (2006-04-28)
God, this is gorgeous! So glad to see the yellow paint off the stones, which had just been splattered on when I visited in 2004.

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