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Gallery Home >> England >> Devon >> Datuidoc's Stone

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We cheekily moved away a couple of the stacking wooden chairs to see the stone in its entirety.  Whilst we were in the church, there were four or five other sets of visitors, none of whom looked at this inscribed stone.  The photo frame describing the stone and its inscription had fallen off the wall and the glass shattered. I carefully picked it up off the floor and put it on top of the heater.
Submitted byAnne T
AddedMay 30 2019
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We cheekily moved away a couple of the stacking wooden chairs to see the stone in its entirety. Whilst we were in the church, there were four or five other sets of visitors, none of whom looked at this inscribed stone. The photo frame describing the stone and its inscription had fallen off the wall and the glass shattered. I carefully picked it up off the floor and put it on top of the heater.

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