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Gallery Home >> Past Competitions >> 2006 Spring Photo Competition >> Gorsedd Stone Circle,Bute Park,Coopers Field,Cardiff

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Gorsedd Circle set up in 1978 situated in Bute Park also known as Coopers field.
The central stone slab is apparantly from a megalithic monument found in the park.
There is another Gorsedd circle built in 1899 near Cardiff museum and city hall.  Category A

Gorsedd Stone Circle,Bute Park,Coopers Field,Cardiff

[652 x 471 jpg]

Submitted bycoldrum
AddedApr 10 2006
Vote for this image in our photo competition
Gorsedd Circle set up in 1978 situated in Bute Park also known as Coopers field.
The central stone slab is apparantly from a megalithic monument found in the park.
There is another Gorsedd circle built in 1899 near Cardiff museum and city hall. Category A

Posted Comments:

Andy B (2006-04-10)
He He, slipping in to prehistoric relevance by the skin of your teeth there :-)
BikerGran (2009-05-04)
If people hadn't taken the time and trouble to set up stones in the far past this site wouldn't be here.......

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