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Gallery Home >> Past Competitions >> 2006 Spring Photo Competition >> Cardiff Castle Keep

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Cardiff Castle Keep,Cardiff,Wales.
The original Norman Keep was built between 1081-1150.
Additions were added 1200-1350.
Category B

Cardiff Castle Keep

[621 x 489 jpg]

Submitted bycoldrum
AddedApr 09 2006
Vote for this image in our photo competition
Cardiff Castle Keep,Cardiff,Wales.
The original Norman Keep was built between 1081-1150.
Additions were added 1200-1350.

Category B

Posted Comments:

Nick- (2006-06-27)
I like the medieaval stuff/buildings/ruins/etc. as much as the prehistoric sites! I like the window lit by the sky in this photo.
Thingy (2010-02-05)
Great shot. Now I know where they got the inspiration for that toy castle I got for Xmas aged 5 (and for countless Hollywood movies).

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