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Gallery Home >> France >> Bretagne >> Finistère >> Butte de Goassec'h

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The Butte de Goassec'h is a newly discovered large chambered cairn to the south of Carhaix-Plouguer. Currently (2019) being excavated, it has been rich in discoveries with the update in the butte of a large megalithic architecture containing 3 Dolmens that have not been open for 4000 years!

The archeologist in charge of the excavations is Florian Cousseau.
Submitted byTheCaptain
AddedAug 27 2019
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The Butte de Goassec'h is a newly discovered large chambered cairn to the south of Carhaix-Plouguer. Currently (2019) being excavated, it has been rich in discoveries with the update in the butte of a large megalithic architecture containing 3 Dolmens that have not been open for 4000 years!

The archeologist in charge of the excavations is Florian Cousseau. "The results are beyond what we could expect, can't wait for the next few years!"

Picture from france3-regions

Posted Comments:

Martin L (2019-08-28)
Interesting, though it is hard to spot a dolmen which has "not been open for 4000 years" in this photograph.
davidmorgan (2019-08-28)
"Walls in the mound allow one to imagine that dolmens are hiding below".
Martin L (2019-08-28)
When reading the information about the findings the expectations rise. Though at least the photos available in the Internet do not really suggest the existance of hidden dolmens.

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