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Gallery Home >> France >> Bretagne >> Finistère >> Castel-Ruphel

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Submitted byJohnRamirez
AddedMay 16 2006
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Posted Comments:

TimPrevett (2006-05-17)
What an eye catching arrangement. Is that deliberate, or just falling over?
thecaptain (2006-05-17)
This will be one of the arc-boutée allée couvertes, quite a rarity, and quite deliberate. One day I'll try and write a little bit about them, along with all the other stuff I have to do............. But was it just lazy builders ?
nicoladidsbury (2006-05-17)
It looks like an effective arrangement, so maybe "clever" builders??
thecaptain (2006-05-18)
It uses less stones, and is no doubt much easier to build with the stones leaning onto each other rather than with a row of two uprights and a capstone, but the internal space is very much less, and much less useable. But certainly a nice variation of architectural style.

For an even more strange style, see La Loge au Loup which has a more standard Vee dolmen built on top of an arc-boutée allée couverte. Or was the arc-boutée allée couverte built within the Vee dolmen ???

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