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Absolute filth from our Bronze Age ancestors here at The Grey Wethers stone circles on Dartmoor.
We'll never know if this stone was chosen deliberately for its phallic profile, but I can certainly believe it. These two circles are absolutely splendid, if restored a bit in 1909, and their remote location south west of Fernworthy forest is definitely part of the appeal. Examples of double (or tripl
Submitted byMalarchist
AddedJun 18 2021
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Absolute filth from our Bronze Age ancestors here at The Grey Wethers stone circles on Dartmoor.
We'll never know if this stone was chosen deliberately for its phallic profile, but I can certainly believe it. These two circles are absolutely splendid, if restored a bit in 1909, and their remote location south west of Fernworthy forest is definitely part of the appeal. Examples of double (or triple even) circles are few and far between. I can think of The Hurlers on Bodmin, and the triple henges at Priddy. Here we have two very close to each other, so close they might appear as an infinity symbol from the air. Adding to their significance is the close presence of Sittaford stone circle, rediscovered only 10 or so years ago on the ridge above.

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