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Late afternoon on 18th October 2010, having dowsed the henge and marked its outline and the central posts with flags and tapes.  [The late] Peter Green of Bow obtained permission for us to dowse from the farmer that day, and he stood in for one of the post markers.  Initially excited by the findings, I was later to find my dowsed outline was a few metres too far south, compared with the crop marks
Submitted byAngieLake
AddedFeb 08 2022
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Late afternoon on 18th October 2010, having dowsed the henge and marked its outline and the central posts with flags and tapes. [The late] Peter Green of Bow obtained permission for us to dowse from the farmer that day, and he stood in for one of the post markers. Initially excited by the findings, I was later to find my dowsed outline was a few metres too far south, compared with the crop marks. However, this will give an idea of the henge size and position in the SW of the field.

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