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Submitted byAngieLake
AddedOct 18 2022
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[Title of photo in report] "A steep, overgrown, muddy green lane."
Excerpt from Nymet research report at the time [Spring, 2012]:
"Next we drove down – off the high ground again - to Uton, south of Crediton on the other side of the River Yeo (not the ‘Nymet’s Yeo, remember!), and looked for the Well mentioned in Terry Faull’s book, ‘Secrets of the Hidden Source, Devon’s Ancient and Holy Wells’. We drew a blank, but I’d taken a photo of a steeply-descending, overgrown green lane, and it appears that Ladywell is there, but hard to find.
< Lane is a little further up road, to left of this cottage. [see next photo]
On then, into Crediton, crossing the river Yeo at Yeoton Bridge. (Yeoton/Uton..)"

Posted Comments:

BjornTheExplorer (2022-10-18)
Once you have found this opening in the bramble hedge, which is roughly fifty feet to the west of the Thatched house. Follow this lane downhill a short distance and you will be at the Uton Holly Well.

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