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Gallery Home >> France >> Bretagne >> Finistère >> Kervadol dolmens

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This is one of two dolmen up a small walkway to the north of the sport's ground at Plobannalec
Submitted byminteddy
AddedDec 04 2006
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This is one of two dolmen up a small walkway to the north of the sport's ground at Plobannalec

Posted Comments:

minteddy (2006-12-05)
One of the Kervadol dolmen. There is a pair of them. It is nice that someone has decided to cut the bracken down. The first time I cam here over 15 years ago I couldn't find this at all.
thecaptain (2006-12-05)
thanks for all these pictures minteddy. When I did my grand tour last year, I found many of the megalithic sites in Brittany totally overgrown, whilst some were well looked after. But in this region many were kept clear of gorse and bracken using mechanical means which has done much damage to some of the stones.

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