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Does an ordinance survey triangulation stone count as a modern megalith???
Submitted byMattImpey
AddedJun 23 2007
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Does an ordinance survey triangulation stone count as a modern megalith???

Posted Comments:

JimChampion (2007-06-24)
Perhaps one day people will be puzzled by these concrete pillars, surmounting the highest points of the landscape?
TimPrevett (2007-06-29)
Trig Points? There's a whole community devoted to these, just as we are the older landscape lithic monuments... see

Andy B (2007-06-29)
Indeed! To answer Matt's question, we would want modern megaliths to have some cultural significance (ie artwork) or spiritual significance to be added to our database. OK now I'm waiting for some bright spark to announce that trig points are offerings to the Great Spaghetti Monster.
pab (2007-06-30)
Sorry to see you being ironic about such important features, Andy! I wasn't sure if this was the time to reveal the truth, but you've forced me into it.. Trig points are actually just covers for an ancient network of habitations - in Welsh (accordinging to my sources), 'Trig' is derived from trig-fa, meaning habitation/dwelling, and 'point' is obviously a direct transliteration from the Welsh pwynt (= point).
These structures are therefore the modern way of giving respect to the ancient celtic tribe whose index finger was significantly longer than their other digits. (Ref from Geddes & Grosset Welsh-English dictionary)
ghostlly (2011-09-23)
Im sure they must line up with something of significance modern leigh lines.

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