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Gallery Home >> England >> Devon >> Chapman Barrows Quincunx

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The recently broken central stone of this once splendid, but now almost totally wrecked Exmoor Quincunx. 
What was once ground level for the stone can be seen, with it all worn and eroded above this, no doubt by thousands of years of sheep and other animals rubbing themselves on it.
Submitted bythecaptain
AddedMar 16 2008
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The recently broken central stone of this once splendid, but now almost totally wrecked Exmoor Quincunx.
What was once ground level for the stone can be seen, with it all worn and eroded above this, no doubt by thousands of years of sheep and other animals rubbing themselves on it.

Posted Comments:

thecaptain (2008-03-16)
This stone is known to have been standing in 2004. So many of these Exmoor sites are rapidly becoming destroyed, more likely than not by all the quadbikes and 4x4s that are sriven all over the moor these days.

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