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Aerial Photo by JJ Evendon and Pete Glastonbury
Submitted byJJ
AddedDec 06 2003
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Aerial Photo by JJ Evendon and Pete Glastonbury

Posted Comments:

Mike (2004-07-27)
Is there another circle at the top of the picture seen as a ring of shrubs in much the same way the righthand circle is beginning to be defined by shrubs? Either way, it seems a strange formation of trees to occur naturally.
Thorgrim (2004-07-27)
There are four circles each about 180m in diameter. By the look of the cropmarks in this photo, there seems to be lots more there also. Priddy Nine Barrows is nearby.
Geoff Bryant (2005-10-22)
If you check out the O/S 1:25000 you will see that the whole area is riddled with barrows,cairns and henges as well as settlements and field patterns, to the immediate south and north of this plateau there is a marked abscence of archaeological features. This is an exceptionally rich ritual landscape.
Geoff Bryant (2005-10-22)
PS/ the smaller circle to the top of the picture marked out by shrub might represent the ring ditch of a large barrow but is markedly smaller than the four 'Henge' circles. I am currently researching the archaeology of this area and would appreciate any further insights.
richsmith (2010-10-08)
I used to live in Wells and go running around Priddy. The hills in the area are very atmospheric and its not hard to see why the ancients chose this spot. Id urge anyone who can to go visist the area, well worth it and cool pic by the way

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