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Aerial Photo by JJ Evendon and Pete Glastonbury
Submitted byJJ
AddedDec 06 2003
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Aerial Photo by JJ Evendon and Pete Glastonbury

Posted Comments:

MarionBenham (2003-12-12)
Can anyone else make out a very vague shadow of a circle in the field to the left of the central circle?
DavidRaven (2003-12-12)
Yeah, now you've said it! It looks about the same size as the other circles! Maybe that's another in the field to the right of the wood; top right of pic?!
MarionBenham (2003-12-12)
Thats the fourth unfinished circle.
thecaptain (2003-12-13)
yep. And if you look really really hard above the centre circle, you can imagine another ring. Giving the Olympic rings of Priddy.
RingPaw (2006-07-21)
Striking the way the Roman-looking roads cut through the landscape with no regard to earlier culture?
Aerial-Cam (2006-07-22)
Maybe this is a job for Aerial-Cam. I will have go when I pass this way later this year. Have you tried fiddling with the contrast and colours to make the features stand out? Cheers AS
tyrianterror (2011-06-24)
God amazing looking site, at least from the air.

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