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The Headless Cross, or Maximajor Stone (of Dartmoor Legend) marks the start of the NE end of the ridgeway track over Mardon Down.
Thought to be a replacement for a pre-existing ancient menhir.
(See site page for more.)
Submitted byAngieLake
AddedNov 23 2008
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The Headless Cross, or Maximajor Stone (of Dartmoor Legend) marks the start of the NE end of the ridgeway track over Mardon Down.
Thought to be a replacement for a pre-existing ancient menhir.
(See site page for more.)

Posted Comments:

JACKME (2008-11-24)
Why is it considered to be a replacement, and not the original? Jack
AngieLake (2008-11-24)
Jack, good to hear from you. This was on the website, and is on the site page:
**Sandles, 1997 p.66 states that the present stone stands at 1.69 metres and at the widest point has a circumference of 1.195m. He also points out that the present stone is in fact a replica that was erected by the Dartmoor National Park in 1992. This was because some vandals drove a car into the stone and set it alight. The resultant heat broke the stone into three pieces thus rendering it irreparable.** "
(End of quote - and my asterisks, btw.)
JACKME (2008-11-24)
Angie Thanks for the facts. Jack

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