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The White Spring once flowed from the foot of the Tor into a tiny, pretty grotto like valley filled with white tufa deposit. It was destroyed and a reservoir building put in its place in the late 19th Century. It is a dark, damp miserable place despite having a cafe in it! The water can be collected free from this outlet in Wellhouse Lane or bought in bottles in town.
ST 508385

White Spring, Glastonbury

[550 x 756 JPG]

Submitted byMarionBenham
AddedJan 29 2004
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The White Spring once flowed from the foot of the Tor into a tiny, pretty grotto like valley filled with white tufa deposit. It was destroyed and a reservoir building put in its place in the late 19th Century. It is a dark, damp miserable place despite having a cafe in it! The water can be collected free from this outlet in Wellhouse Lane or bought in bottles in town. ST 508385

Posted Comments:

crusaders of avalon (2004-07-03)
miserable???? Spiratully flowing maybe.

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