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Penn Beacon. 

I only know of two rows on Penn Beacon both exist and both are referred to by 
others. I attach a photo of Penn Beacon SW scanned in from a slide. Burl 
gives the location as SX 595 625. I know it to be SX 5952 6247. It is a very 
short, 14m long double row descending from a large & prominent cairn. There 
are just two pairs of stones near the cairn but others show through the
Submitted byBrian Byng
AddedFeb 07 2002
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Penn Beacon. I only know of two rows on Penn Beacon both exist and both are referred to by others. I attach a photo of Penn Beacon SW scanned in from a slide. Burl gives the location as SX 595 625. I know it to be SX 5952 6247. It is a very short, 14m long double row descending from a large & prominent cairn. There are just two pairs of stones near the cairn but others show through the turf in line downhill. There is no obvious end to the row & it is not known how long it was or how many stones really remain. There is another single stone row Burl mentions it SE @ SX 598 627 - 66ft long, Emmett also mentions one in an Exeter University thesis which I have but do not read often as being @ SX 599 625 I know the row to be at SX 5992 6255 is 32m long. Eleven large stones lie flat on the ground. There is no cairn in either direction. I do not have a photo to hand but will put it on my todo list. The location of this row accords with the Emmett reference. but not with the one for Burl. As both of these references are only 6 figures they can only indicate a location somewhere within a box with 100m a side. There fore SX 599 625 is not destroyed. I never heard of SX 598 627 but interestingly Burl says it is a single row 66 ft long. I think it is actually SX 5992 6255 & Burl has the wrong reference again.

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