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Holne Moor Stone Row. 

Triple Stone Row SX 6743 7106 150 m long. Most of the stones hardly show above the peat. There is a fallen 3.4m longstone at the Western end. The row 
azimuth is 112. 

Viewed from the lower Eastern end the fallen longstone & companions would have been prominent cutting the western skyline. Declination for western skyline is 15.57. Star spica 3200 BC or May Day sunset?
Submitted byBrian Byng
AddedFeb 07 2002
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Holne Moor Stone Row. Triple Stone Row SX 6743 7106 150 m long. Most of the stones hardly show above the peat. There is a fallen 3.4m longstone at the Western end. The row azimuth is 112. Viewed from the lower Eastern end the fallen longstone & companions would have been prominent cutting the western skyline. Declination for western skyline is 15.57. Star spica 3200 BC or May Day sunset?

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