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The eastern of the two looks to have been broken and was possibly once much bigger.
Submitted bytheCaptain
AddedFeb 02 2012
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The eastern of the two looks to have been broken and was possibly once much bigger.

Posted Comments:

AngieLake (2012-02-02)
Is that a carving halfway up?
Martin L (2012-02-03)
:) Just thought the same yesterday. Also wonder what it is. 99% sure it is no genuine prehistoric rock art. Possibly something from the last centuries. Always hard to decide from a photo. Also visible here: http://www.megalithic.co.uk/modules.php?op=modload&name=a312&file=index&do=showpic&pid=86446&orderby=dateD
AngieLake (2012-02-03)
It looks different from that angle, doesn't it? What does Captain think .. did you notice it on the day, Martyn?
theCaptain (2012-02-03)
Just hunted this down in my "library", ie found the relevant book in its box.

L'un a des fentes (naturelles) se croisant a angle droit, ce qui ressemble fort a un svastika. Celui-ci aurait été lancé par le diable qui se battait avec St Ourzal

Which Mr Google translates to "One has slots (natural) intersecting at right angles, what looks like a swastika. It would have been launched by the devil who was fighting with St Ourzal"

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