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Bow Henge field at Equinox sunset 2012.
Though there is nothing to see today, the actual henge, discovered in 1984 as cropmarks during an aerial survey,  lay in the far corner of this field on slightly elevated ground (just about visible in the low light rays) a few yards in from the SW gateway.
(This is taken from the NE field gate that is at right-angles to the main road, opposite Silver Stree
Submitted byAngieLake
AddedMar 25 2012
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Bow Henge field at Equinox sunset 2012.
Though there is nothing to see today, the actual henge, discovered in 1984 as cropmarks during an aerial survey, lay in the far corner of this field on slightly elevated ground (just about visible in the low light rays) a few yards in from the SW gateway.
(This is taken from the NE field gate that is at right-angles to the main road, opposite Silver Street Cottages.)

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