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At last a hut that I'm pretty sure of!  This will be Hut 1: “Hut 1 (9.5 m) is the largest and has the unusual feature of an annexe outside the entrance on the south.  This is built of neatly coursed stone (though you can’t see that!), which suggests a later rebuild, though the excavators found a cooking hole, charcoal and pottery on the paved floor contemporary with that from the hut.  The dwe
Submitted byAngieLake
AddedAug 25 2012
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At last a hut that I'm pretty sure of! This will be Hut 1: “Hut 1 (9.5 m) is the largest and has the unusual feature of an annexe outside the entrance on the south. This is built of neatly coursed stone (though you can’t see that!), which suggests a later rebuild, though the excavators found a cooking hole, charcoal and pottery on the paved floor contemporary with that from the hut. The dwelling itself produced a piece of flint flake used as a knife and more pottery.” The two huts in this area were virtually buried in the bracken.

Posted Comments:

AngieLake (2012-08-25)
Just to make it clear, we're standing *outside* the higher wall of the hut here [foreground], looking approx ESE to Rippon Tor. The large stones, on the other side of the bracken-filled interior, are by the east side of the doorway in the hut's lower wall.
AngieLake (2017-04-10)
Now is the time to visit this picturesque site. The bracken has been cut back and all the hut circles are exposed and their layout easy to appreciate. Visited on 8th April and took photos which I'll try to upload soon.

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