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this is in the same feild as the cove and the mist and couler in the sky was just irresistible to the eye.
Submitted byNasher
AddedJun 23 2005
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this is in the same feild as the cove and the mist and couler in the sky was just irresistible to the eye.

Posted Comments:

Thorgrim (2005-06-23)
Figure is in just the right position and looking into the picture. Lovely colours. I can't keep saying "great" but it is great. You have a natural photographic eye and feel for composition that no one can teach. You can learn how to use a camera, you can be taught tips and techniques, but the best photographs are created in the eye and the mind of the photographer before the camera is even taken out of its case.
Nasher (2005-06-23)
Thank you

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