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This is the cove taken whilst waiting for sunrise at solstice 2005.

I like this picture because it gives the feeling of what it was actually like, really moody!
Submitted byNasher
AddedJun 24 2005
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This is the cove taken whilst waiting for sunrise at solstice 2005.

I like this picture because it gives the feeling of what it was actually like, really moody!

Posted Comments:

creators (2005-06-24)
Nicely sorted Thorgrim. Now may I put outrageous prejudice to one side and recommend this for the Spirit of Place? It's a magnificent picture. As I put on the original posting - Fantastic! I am glad you put that one up, it captures the waiting and the mood better than any picture with the sun rising, because once that happens it's all action. This is very real.
fara (2024-02-23)
do you kindly allow your wonderful image for my noncommercial Avebury video?
best greeting from Germany Fara

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