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Gallery Home >> France >> Languedoc-Roussillon >> Menhir dit la Pierre Plantée de Grizac

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Beautifully located menhir on a mountaintop overlooking the Tarn valley.

Menhir dit la Pierre Plantée de Grizac
Submitted bymadcat
AddedJul 17 2005
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Beautifully located menhir on a mountaintop overlooking the Tarn valley.
Menhir dit la Pierre Plantée de Grizac

Posted Comments:

ocdolmen (2006-04-19)
A legend says that this menhir gives fertility to women who become pregnant if they touch the stone with her head. They must put their head on the big hole (cup) that we can see on the photo.
thecaptain (2006-04-20)
Nice story ocdolmen. I like to hear these old folktales.
Nick- (2008-02-08)
Nice location! I wonder how many 'Pierre Plantée's there are in France?

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