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*B* Catagory, photo competition.Full moon, 21 July 2005, Avebury. I forgot my battery, so my nice Uncle shared, just as well, what are Uncles for, eh?
Submitted byNasher
AddedJul 22 2005
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*B* Catagory, photo competition.

Full moon, 21 July 2005, Avebury. I forgot my battery, so my nice Uncle shared, just as well, what are Uncles for, eh?

Posted Comments:

creators (2005-07-22)
Just so long as when you are rich and famous you keep me in the manner to which I would like to become accustomed. Or else! Great picture!
Thorgrim (2005-07-22)
Now why is your moon shot blue and mine not? Blue filter? Don't worry - not a problem, just asking
Nasher (2005-07-25)
no blue filter involved or pink! creators has emailed you and told you the secrets of a blue night sky....
Thorgrim (2005-07-25)
Thanks Nasher - I shall try your secret soon. Lovely moody photo!
Nasher (2005-07-25)
Lisete (2005-12-26)
Just to tell that i love this picture..i'm just looking some pictures and i find this beautiful one..gratulaytions..looking it make me think..about good things..BY portugal =)

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