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Altar stone now residing in Ilkley Church. Thought to be Romano-British, showing the local deity 'Verbeia'; Goddess of the River Wharfe. Or is it? The more I look into the theories concerning this carving, the more conflicting ideas I find. So, here's the image, best to read all the available info and make up your own mind. Or, like me, remain confused.

Verbeia, Ilkley Church

[507 x 750 jpg]

Submitted byDavidRaven
AddedAug 09 2005
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Altar stone now residing in Ilkley Church. Thought to be Romano-British, showing the local deity 'Verbeia'; Goddess of the River Wharfe. Or is it? The more I look into the theories concerning this carving, the more conflicting ideas I find. So, here's the image, best to read all the available info and make up your own mind. Or, like me, remain confused.

Posted Comments:

gyrus (2008-10-02)
No doubt some of my writings helped confuse you - they confused me too :-) But, I'm trying to centralize accurate information and grounded ideas about Verbeia on this Google knol. It's set to "moderated collaboration", meaning if you're logged in there you can suggest new information or corrections.
DavidRaven (2008-10-10)
It was your writings that set me off looking for her!
Thanks for the link, Gyrus :-)

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