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Gallery Home >> England >> Devon >> Challacombe Cross Settlement

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Standing at the top of the hill looking down the line of the four most prominent hut circles.  The view point car park at SX 69834 83454 can be seen just above middle/centre at the left hand side of the photo. Butler (Volume 1, p162) says that
Submitted byAnne T
AddedMay 24 2019
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Standing at the top of the hill looking down the line of the four most prominent hut circles. The view point car park at SX 69834 83454 can be seen just above middle/centre at the left hand side of the photo. Butler (Volume 1, p162) says that "the settlement, some 200m east of the road junction, was laid out across the end of the ridge, the huts conspicuous on the hillside. Four huts stand close together in a line, with fifth with its own oval enclosure nearby".

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