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The western face of the cross head, with its rectangular shaped recess. F H Starkey says he disagrees with opinions that the cross head has been displayed upside down. Given the socket hole at the top of the cross head and the collar, I disagree with Starkey, but could very well be wrong!
Submitted byAnne T
AddedMay 24 2019
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The western face of the cross head, with its rectangular shaped recess. F H Starkey says he disagrees with opinions that the cross head has been displayed upside down. Given the socket hole at the top of the cross head and the collar, I disagree with Starkey, but could very well be wrong!

Posted Comments:

Sunny100 (2019-05-25)
I just wondered whether the socket hole (top) was where something was placed ie holy water, vinegar, or coins. It's just a thought.

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